Every dog needs a complete and balanced diet every day, with high-quality and healthy ingredients, so that he stays healthy and can concentrate on the important things. Like all the mischief he gets up to every day and running around in puddles and in the park. Just his normal dog life. That's why we've put together our top tips for feeding dogs on this page: Here you'll find information about the specific requirements that dogs have, how to choose the right food, feeding times and how to give your four-legged friend all the nutrients that he needs to be happy and healthy. Let's just get started, shall we?
Dog food must meet these requirements

They are the building blocks for every single cell in the dog's body and play an important role in maintaining and restoring dogs' physical and mental health. For dogs, their food is the fuel that keeps them active (someone has to sniff every tree in the park!) and all of their bodily functions running.
How to feed your dog a healthy diet
Feed at specific times every day
Dogs digest better when they have regular feeding times and can eat without stress.
For most dogs, two meals a day - breakfast and dinner - are better than just one because they can digest smaller meals more easily. For some smaller breeds, three smaller portions per day makes more sense, while some larger breeds may only need one meal per day. Owners decide which option is best for their animal. For example, if you have a large dog that tends to devour its food quickly, it may be better to offer it two smaller meals to avoid potential gastrointestinal problems. If you are not sure how often you should feed your dog, you should seek advice from your veterinarian.
Create a relaxed atmosphere
Feed your dog in a quiet environment as his digestive system works best when he is relaxed. Also make sure that he has at least an hour to relax afterwards.
If you have more than one dog, feed them both at the same time. Everyone should be able to eat at their own pace without anyone else getting in their way. Because who (really) likes sharing their food...
Change your diet gradually
If you want to change your dog's diet, always do so gradually. Sudden changes can cause stomach upset. If you're switching to a different formula or new food, it's best to introduce it into your dog's diet gradually over the course of about a week. Start with a mixture of 4/5 of the previous food and 1/5 of the new food.
Offer healthy variety
Provided your dog doesn't have digestive problems or is sensitive to certain ingredients, it makes sense to get him used to different recipes so that he has variety in his menu - both in in terms of taste and nutrition. We don't eat the same thing every day, so why should your four-legged roommate? Try a varied menu and enjoy an enthusiastic dog.
Wholesome nutrition
A complete and balanced diet, such as that offered by Lily's Kitchen food, accompanies your dog throughout his life with the right options for every phase of his development.